
Wednesday, December 29, 2010

No longer a military, soon to be no longer a wife!

Hi ya'll.
so i guess i should do a short catch up. Mark and I are splitting, he got discharged from military, he and i are "friends" (for the kids) and I am currently living with my parents...oh and so is he, yes MY parents. (ain't that sitcom worthy!)

There are lots of details i will spare you. But i will tell you that all is okay, i will find a way to support myself and children, and i will eventually find another companion. Maybe one I am better suited to, and vice verse.

Its kinda hard splitting up with someone who doesnt want to split up. I know i cant stay with him, but sometimes he makes me think he has failed to get that memo. Its sad, but its true, i have been "gone" for sometimes now(maybe even since July, maybe it never really was what it shoulda been) and its just time to move on.

or move back. i have a "maybe" option in the romance deptartment that scares me to death. It could mean the happiness of my dreams i've always dreamed, or the mutilation and suicide of all my hopes and dreams. I fear if i let it might be the last chance. do i want to use up that chance though. it wont be all peaches and cream, mind you, but it will be the reason for life if it worked. if it doesnt work, both and all parties involved will feel it like an earthquake. but i know if i never take the chance, i'll never love another like i should, none will ever work out like it could, and i fear the same for the other party. but how good it could be with a little work. lots of "what if's" time will tell. im in no hurry. nor will i make the moves...but damn what i would give to know the game plan of the other team!!!